
Full Body Sensual Massage (FBSM) - Healing touch for your whole self, mind, body, and soul. Experience deep connection, enhanced pleasure, and expansive presence.

1 Hour - 300

1.5 Hour - 450

2 Hour - 600

FBSM Plus - All the elements of the FBSM plus more intimate and mutual.

1 Hour - 500

1.5 Hours - 750

2 Hours - 1000

3 Hours - 1500

Domination/Fetish - Experience your deepest BDSM, fantasy, and fetish desires come to life. Submit to worshipping the Goddess.

1 Hour - 400

1.5 Hours - 600

2 Hours - 800

Domination/Fetish Plus - For fantasies that require more intimacy and closeness.

1 Hour - 600

1.5 Hours - 900

2 Hours - 1200

Our time together is sacred.